Andrew Basiago the Time Traveling Lawyer By Oscar Cruz


Time traveler or liar, Andrew D. Basiago shook the world with his stories of space travel and secret teleportation technology that are hidden from the rest of the United States people. Andrew D. Basiago is a man shrouded in mystery and many conspiracies, three of which we will be covering which are:
  1. Andrew Basiago is not lying and truly did participate in the events he has spoken of, Project Pegasus.
  2. Barack Obama has participated in Project Pegasus and went to Mars under the name Barry Soetero.
  3. All United States presidents are in Project Pegasus and know many hidden details such as their destinies to become president and secret government experiments.
Let’s delve deeper into the conspiracies of Andrew Basiago and his stories that scared the United States people, the plausible theory being that all presidents are in Project Pegasus and know information that the government keeps hidden from the rest of the United States.
Andrew D. Basiago is a man of many faces: lawyer, potential time traveler and presidential candidate. Before his bizarre claims that started in 2004, Basiago was a well known and respected lawyer from Washington who actually had a decent reputation and came off as a perfectly normal and sane man. This respectable image that he created for himself would soon crumble down and become one that people would begin to question once he began to come out of silence and openly speak about his participation in these projects (Beyond Science Staff).

Anyone with a brain and a skeptical mind would doubt Basiago’s claims in a heartbeat. Basiago’s claims are so absurd that he has gone on to become known as an eccentric and deranged old man: “Many have dismissed Basiago’s strange claims as nothing more than the fantastical ramblings of an eccentric man with a deranged mind” (Beyond Science Staff). As a kid, Basiago was selected as a unique and talented individual young American to be put in a special project around the fifties, “Beginning when he was just a child, Basiago was selected from a group of psychically gifted children to become a time traveling liaison who would go on to meet historical and future dignitaries, as well as various extraterrestrial entities” (Gaia Staff). Basiago has spoken out on multiple occasions about his time traveling and teleporting expeditions. He has gone on to even claim that former United States president, Barack Obama, has traveled to Mars at the age of nineteen :
he made waves in the media claiming Barack Obama had been a part of the same teleportation/time travel program as he. This even solicited a response from the White House, which adamantly denied the claim, though Basiago maintains his position. According to Basiago, Obama went by the name Barry Soetoro and was initially teleported to Mars at the age of 19. (Patel)
Claims like these are what make the people not take Basiago seriously even if everything he said was true.

            Despite his claims and stories, he is a very confident man who believes in himself and in everything that he says, confident enough to call out current and former United States presidents for not telling the truth and that it is time to come forth and do so: “Next up, presidential honesty. Basiago wants all former presidents who are still alive to come forth and admit they were given previous knowledge of their destinies. They all knew they were picked specifically to become president, so it’s time for them to come clean” (Gaia Staff). His self-confidence carried him so far that he ran for president in 2016 with the basis on his campaign being on nothing but the truth about these secret projects “Basiago’s dedication to disclose the truth about the U.S. government’s secret activities involving teleportation and time travel technologies is so relentless that he announced his intentions to launch a U.S. presidential campaign in 2016. His platform largely focuses on the disclosure of classified information about advanced technologies, time travel, extraterrestrial existence and secret space programs” (Beyond Science Staff).

This shows that no matter how much criticism he receives from the internet or presidents that he wholeheartedly believes in his participation in DARPA’s projects. There are many faces to the character of Andrew Basiago.

The first conspiracy on my list is the theory that Andrew Basiago truly did participate in Project Pegasus for the United States government. In this conspiracy it is believed by many that what Basiago says is actually true and that he really did do the things that he claimed were real such as traveling back in time a million years and forward in time to the future all the way to 2045. He also claims to have teleported to Mars while also taking a trip to the famous Gettysburg Address to see Abraham Lincoln’s address first hand as well as his death at the Ford theatre on the night of president Abraham Lincoln’s death, “ Which he claims developed a time machine during the Cold War that he himself rode in back to Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and the Ford Theater the night of his addition to visiting the times of Lincoln (and bumping into himself on a different trip), he traveled back a million years, visited the future (2045) and went to Mars (teleported, not time traveled)’’ (Seaburn). This theory no matter how interesting, is most likely is not true. This is because of a lack of actual evidence to prove that any of this is true such as a lack of records, clear photographs, and a confirmation from the government itself. Even Basiago’s photograph of him “he kid in the ill shoes” at the Gettysburg Address is enough to prove his credibility (Seaburn). By looking at my survey results you can see that this is the most split theory with four people believing it and two people not believing it.

The second conspiracy following Andrew Basiago and Project Pegasus may be the hardest one to believe out of the three. This conspiracy theory is the theory that former United States president, Barack Obama, has partaken in Project Pegasus and has actually traveled to Mars under the name Barry Soetero.  As whacky and extreme this theory is there actually reasons why people follow it one of which being that this time it’s not only Basiago making the claims but also two other men by the name of Brett Stillings and Bernard Mendez who support them, “Finally,two other whistleblowers, Brett Stillings and Bernard Mendez have come forward to confirm their participation in the Mars Jump Room program, and Barack Obama’s involvement. They support Basiago’s claim that Obama used the name Barry Soetaro during the covert program. Incredibly, Basiago may have been right all along that Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, was a participant in a classified CIA project where participants were led to believe they were secretly traveling to Mars through classified teleportation technologies” (Salla). 

Both Basiago and Sillings claim that Obama or Soetero was part of their “Mars training class” and that Obama had traveled to Mars twice between the years 1981 and 1983. Basiago even says he had exchanged some words with the teenage Barry Soetero,”On one instance Basiago said he even exchanged words with Ob – uh, Soetero– en route to the “jump room” while on Mars.“We’re here,” Basiago claims the young president-to-be said to him.“(Major). This theory however falls through as White House officials have denied all claims made by Basiago and Stillings. This is the least believed theory with only one person saying that they believed it and five people not believing in it.
The third and final conspiracy is the most believed theory in my survey polls. This theory says that former United States presidents took part in Project Pegasus not the same way Basiago did but by knowing things that public does not such as their destinies to become future United States presidents and other confidential data hidden by the government such as the existence of Project Pegasus. “...presidential honesty. Basiago wants all former presidents who are still alive to come forth and admit they were given previous knowledge of their destinies. They all knew they were picked specifically to become president, so it’s time for them to come clean” (Gaia Staff). This theory while also being denied by many is the most probable one as it is not too far fetched of an idea ha our presidents already know that they will become presidents even during their campaign and elections. It is also not too hard to believe because it is a popular belief that many presidents if not all are corrupt and or know many things that the government hides from us, the people. This is the most believed theory with six people believing in it and no people who didn’t believe it.

As of now, all claims made by Basiago and other chrononauts that are coming forth and revealing the truth have been denied and Basiago’s failed campaign in 2016 for president will not stop him in his journey to become president as he was told many years ago he would and to spread the truth of the government experiment hat was too powerful, Project Pegasus.
            A man of many faces surrounded by mystery and confusion, Andrew Basiago gave the United States and quite possibly even the world a scare when he came out and spoke of his involvement in Project Pegasus, a program that deals with time travel and teleportation. These secrets all came out when Basiago spoke out about them. Ever since many conspiracies and theories have surfaced all over the internet three of which are:
  1. Andrew D. Basiago is telling the truth and was actually part of Project Pegasus.
  2. Barack Obama went to Mars and took part in other Project Pegasus experiments under the name “Barry Soetero”.
  3. All former, current, and to-be United States presidents know of their destinies to become president and know of all hidden government information due to their involvement in Project Pegasus.
Andrew D. Basiago, despite how interesting his story of not only his participation but Obama’s as well, the most plausible theory is the United States’ presidents knowledge of their destinies and government information hidden from the rest of the United States people.
Works Cited

S  “Andrew Basiago Has Seen the Future and Is Running For President.” Gaia,
T (2018). Project Pegasus » Exopolitics. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Nov. 2018].
T Loffhagen, Matthew. “Presidential Candidate Says He Time Traveled to Mars With Barack Obama in Secret Government Program.” Outer Places, 16 Feb. 2018,
T Major, Jason. “Beam Me Up, Obama: Conspiracy Theory Claims President Teleported to Mars.” Universe Today, 24 Dec. 2015,
T O'Donoghue, Rachel. “'CIA Used TIME TRAVEL Foreseeing Trump Win' Shock Claims from Ex-Presidential Candidate.”, Daily Star, 20 Nov. 2016,
T Patel, Neel V. “That Time Teenage Obama Went to Mars.” Inverse, Inverse, 26 Oct. 2016,
T Seaburn, Paul, and Tom Head. “'Time Traveler' to Run for President and Reveal the Technology.” Mysterious Universe, 13 Dec. 2017,
T Staff, Beyond Science. “Time Traveling & Teleportation: Project Pegasus, The Alleged Experiments Conducted By The US Government.” Beyond Science TV, 12 Jan. 2018,
T “The Time Travel and Teleportation Experiments of Project Pegasus.” Stranger Dimensions, 23 Sept. 2018,


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