JFK Conspiracy by Juan Carrizales

Imagine being murdered in public, and no one knows who did it. John F. Kennedy was murdered on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. He was the United States' youngest president. Since then, several conspiracies theories have developed: Did Lee Harvey Oswald kill him, did the C.I.A have someone assassinate J.F.K, or did the KGB assassinate President Kennedy? Let’s explore the conspiracy theories with the possibility of the C.I.A covering up evidence.
Some external traits of John F. Kennedy are that he was a womanizer.  President Kennedy’s own father was known for having the same reputation with women as his son did. The President was known for loving woman, since he was in high school and all the way up till his presidency (Patrick 1). He had affairs with these three woman: Mimi Alford, and Judith Campbell (1). 
Mimi first met the President when she was invited to the white house for an internship. Four days later she was invited to a cocktail party by the President, and later on that day she was giving a tour by the President witch led up to them having an affair (Patrick 1). The affair lasted eighteen months. Mimi Alford ended up having a permanent job at the White House after the intern (1). In an interview with Ann Curry, Alford stated “That at the time she did not feel guilty about the fact that the President was married.” (Mimi Alford 1.)

Next there was Judith Campbell who was introduced to President Kennedy by FrankSinatra. Judith was having an affair with the President for two years during his presidency and would often visit him in White House (Patrick 1). Campbell said, “She became one of JFK’s mistress for a period of about two years, frequently visiting him in the White House after he was elected President.” (Judith Exner 1) When Judith published her memoir “Her account was supported by phone records and other documentation” that show Judith and President Kennedy were kept in touched (1).  Judith was also the mistress to a Chicago Mafia Gang Leader Sam Giancana (1).
Some internal traits of John F. Kennedy were ambition, competitiveness, and leadership. He was the best President to ever take office. He used his charisma and contacts to get him into the navy knowing he had been diagnosed with Addison’s diseases (Life of Kennedy 1). It takes leadership and intelligence to become a President. During his life, he accomplished many things, such as he saved the world from a nuclear missile attack by resolving a peaceful agreement with Cuba’s dictator. 
The President overcame many challenges, from illnesses as a child to sending the first man to land safely on the moon (Life of Kennedy 1). During his early child hood he was faced with a number of challenges due to illnesses. Some of these illnesses were whooping cough and scarlet fever (1). At the time, people usually did not recover from these illnesses.  
In the John F. Kennedy assassination, several conspiracies have developed. The first conspiracy is that President Kennedy was murder by Lee Harvey Oswald. An eyewitness said, ‘The shooting came from the six floor of Texas School Board Depository" where Oswald was working (Lee Harvey Oswald 1). At twelve—thirty, three shots were fired two of them killing President Kennedy and one wounding Governor Connally (1). Oswald killed officer J.D. Tippit, who confronted him that day (J. D. Tippit 1).  The bullets were examined and matched the firearms Oswald had purchased through the mail (Lee Harvey Oswald 1).

The second conspiracy is the C.I.A assassinated President Kennedy, due to his rapprochement with Fidel Castro and withdraw from the Vietnam war (CIA Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theory 1). Jim Garrison said, " The C.I.A plotted the assassination of Kennedy to maintain tension with the Soviet Union and Cuba and to prevent the United States withdraw from Vietnam" (1). This leads to the second conspiracy: after President Kennedy’s assassination, the United States remained in the Vietnam war and officially cut ties with Cuba.
The third conspiracy is that the Soviet Union and Cuba had President Kennedy assassinated. The President Kennedy administration has had a variety of attempts to overthrow dictator Fidel Castro. Also, President Kennedy was an anti-communist and was against the Soviet Union for supporting Cuba. Which, leads me to think that Cuba and the Soviet Union were the brains behind the assassination.
All three conspiracy theories tie in together, and each one of them played a role in the killing. Lee Harvey Oswald was pro-communist, and denounced his United States citizenship and moved to Russia for three years (Lee Harvey Oswald 1). Oswald went to Mexico City, Mexico, to meet with the Cuban Embassy, a week before President Kennedy is assassinated. (Lee Harvey Oswald 1). The KGB had to have a significant influence on Oswald, who was confused and vulnerable to seek attention (1). Also, I believe the C.I.A had something to do with the murder of Oswald, before giving him a trial and a chance to speak up. When I took a survey poll at College of the Mainland, ninety-five percent of the student believed that Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t act alone.  
After examining the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, three conspiracy theories are left to consider:
1.         Did Lee Harvey Oswald kill President Kennedy?
2.         Did the C.I.A have someone assassinate J.F.K?
3.         Did the KGB kill President Kennedy?
Even now, fifty—four years after President Kennedy died, the mystery continues to puzzle family, friends, and the community. However, it’s likely all three of this conspiracy played a part of the assassination of President Kennedy.
Work Cited
 Freidel, Frank, and Hugh Sidey. "John F. Kennedy." The White House. The United States Government, 08 Mar. 2017. Web. 18 July 2017.
 “Life of John F. Kennedy.” John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum,www.jfklibrary.org/JFK/Life-of-John-F-Kennedy.aspx.
 “John F. Kennedy.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 2009,www.history.com/topics/us-presidents/john-f-kennedy.
 Kiger, Patrick J. “The Sex Life of JFK.” National Geographic Channel, 23 Oct. 2013, channel.nationalgeographic.com/killing-kennedy/articles/the-sex-life-of-jfk/.
 “Mimi Alford.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 29 June 2017, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mimi_Alford.
 “Judith Exner.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 18 July 2017, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judith_Exner.
 “J. D. Tippit.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 31 July 2017, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._D._Tippit.
 “Lee Harvey Oswald.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 28 Apr. 2017,www.biography.com/people/lee-harvey-oswald-9430309.
 “Lee Harvey Oswald.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 2 Aug. 2017, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Harvey_Oswald#Mexico.
 “CIA Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theory.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 28 July 2017, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_Kennedy_assassination_conspiracy_theory.


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