The Bob Lazar Conspiracy by Ricky Miller

The Bob Lazar Conspiracy

Can Lazar’s story be factual? In May 1989, Robert Scott Lazar claimed to have worked at S4, a facility about 15 miles south of Area 51 near Groom Lake.  Bob worked on reverse engineering alien technology, as well as he knew about the undiscovered 115, a element on the periodic table unidentified until 2003. Does this mean his theories are possible? There are 3 theories that keep this theory from being factual:
                  1.      Bob stated that he worked on reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology.
                  2.      Claimed to use element 115, something undiscovered for decades.
                  3.      Worked and studied a UFO and how the UFO works.

Larzar’s story to this day is still being questioned as to whether it's fictional or not.

            Robert Scott Lazar is a very weird man. First, his posture is very awkward as seen in the interview with George Knapp ("Interview with George Knapp"). Lazar is a tall, lanky man with huge glasses and a wavy bowl cut hairstyle. However, now in the present time, his hair has receded back and he no longer wears glasses. Robert Lazar just presents himself as a very awkward man during his interviews. Robert shows little emotions, but when he does show emotions he keeps his expressions very blunt and exact. During his interview with George Knapp, he makes multiple claims about information he learned during his time at S4 like how he was a scientist working with extraterrestrial technology, although, checking many sources there is currently no proof of his claims (“Robert Lazar.”). Can a person’s words mean anything without proof or evidence? Well with Bob Lazar it seems like a fake story, but how he says it sounds so real, even with his awkward postures and gestures. Just by appearance he has a very nerdy look with big glasses and a halfway bowl haircut.

Bob Lazar is a man of mystery having no previous background at all, for some reason any previous data he has had been erased. Robert stated that he received degrees from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and California Institute of Technology yet “neither of which can be confirmed”(Rojas). Lazar is very devoted to his view, after all the conspiracy and denial or acceptance people have towards his story Lazar still stays true to his word. He stays true to his word on S4 and his claim to have worked on alien technology, He says “alien spacecraft were being tested by the U.S. Air Force“ (Ventura). No matter the judgement everyone has towards him, and all the years that passed, he still believes his claim as a fact. Bob has made the choice to go public with the knowledge that the government is hiding information of alien technology from us even though people have radical views to his statement. Robert actually put on his website “Sorry, Mr. Lazar no longer involves himself in matters related to the topic of UFOs.“ (Rojas). The reason he posted that on his website is to avoid “rocking the boat” with the government he now current with(Rojas).  Lazar claims the reason he went public is to avoid an assassination, he believes the government tried to kill him, “But after I went public, they couldn’t kill me“ (Ventura ). Lazar is motivated to protect himself, and since he didn’t pursue his case against the government through the media he can’t be ambitious towards it, the case may be true that the only reason he told the media was just to protect himself. Robert personally refuses to talk to people about his situation and when he is asked about it all he states is, “Everything I experienced is out there online“ (Ventura ). What Lazar truly did was raise awareness towards Area 51 and that the government is keeping things secret from the people. The ocean is split even with this situation, a lot of people believe him in the case that the government is hiding alien information from the people. However, there is also a good amount of people that know his story doesn't add up and he's crazy “Scientists leave trails. Lazar is NOT a scientist.“ (Friedman). Friedman claims that the statement Lazar makes is false, he says that
 “Not one shred of evidence has been put forth to support this story” (Friedman). With no evidence to put on the table the question still remains, is the character Bob Lazar telling the truth to better the peoples knowledge that the government is keeping things secret or is Bob another scammer trying to make a quick buck?

                        In the occurrence of the Bob Lazar conspiracy, there are three claims Lazar has stated. All of which, none have proof. Proof is what separates his argument from being fact or fiction and all we currently have is his word. Did he work at a secret underground base in S-4? At that base did he work and see extraterrestrial technology? He claimed he knew about element 115, something that remained undiscovered till decades later.

The first conspiracy theory states that Bob, during his stay in the Los Alamos area, claimed to have worked as a scientist “in the Meson Physics facility” at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Yet, even with Robert claiming he was working at the laboratory, “The lab repeatedly denied it”(LASVEGASNOW). However, his name is in the lab phone book but Stanton Friedman claims Bob worked under Kirk Meyer, an outside contractor.##  Even now, twenty eight years after the incident we still do not have proof of Lazar being part of S-4, which is apparently a underground test facility right next to the Area 51 site, near Groom Lake. With the evidence of Bob in the phone book we can determine that he did have a connection with the facility, so his story may not be as unrealistic as we all believe it to be. No information about these bases were ever public until after the interview Bob Lazar had with George Knapp.

The second conspiracy theory is that Lazar worked on reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology during his time at the secret S-4 base in Los Alamos. Excluding the theory that he possibly didn’t even work as a scientist at S-4, if we take it that he did work there then this is the continuation of his situation that Lazar is a whistle blower. Bob states his work included breaking down flying saucers to understand the concept of how they work and to backward engineer to produce new technology for the future. The scientists that work at Los Alamos deny all allegations.

            The last conspiracy theory is that Bob claimed to use element 115, a component not discovered for decades after the interview. Lazar stated to have used 115###, as well as he knew the exact components inside the element, something not identified until almost thirty years later. Research concludes that element 115 is “a ore which cannot be synthesized on the earth.”(Broden).  The conspiracy lies in the fact that this element plus many more were already predicted, however none proven correct. Bob could have easily predicted and lied about what element he claimed the extraterrestrials used for fuel. 

            A survey was passed out to 20 selected students that have previous knowledge about Bob Lazar at Dickinson High School to determine “Did Bob Lazar speak the truth about a secret base working on alien tech? Or is this a publicity stunt?” The poll answers were stunning with 3 out of 5 believing Lazar spoke the truth, while the other 8 people believe that Bob’s allegations are false. With these statistics we can recognize that 60% of people that took the survey believe  Lazar and what he has said during his interview with George Knapp, while 40% are skeptical and believe Bob’s content is false.

With all these factors hindering the theories from being completely truthful, it’s hard to determine if Bob Lazar’s allegations are actually the truth. The man who interviewed Bob, George Knapp has addressed the issue saying, “We can’t be selective in the Lazar case. We need to look at the whole picture, all the evidence”(Corbell). In the end, we can determine that his claims are just his claims, and it’s truly your decision if you want to either believe the story Lazar states or see it as just a fake conspiracy.

After all the controversy behind the infamous Bob Lazar, there are still conspiracies to this       
day that we all wish had answers to:

                  1.      Worked at a secret underground base, I.e. S-4.
                  2.      Did he truly worked on reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology?
                  3.      Is it true he used element 115? Prior to this element being founder for decades later?

In the end what really matters is, is Bob Lazar telling the truth? And if so what else is the Government hiding from the people. Now after years later, I predict we will never know if Bob Lazar did in fact tell the truth. All we know for sure is that what Bob Lazar has said, is now out there, it's in the air and for us “the people” to believe if he is actually lying to us or telling us the truth.  

Work Cited
Broden, L. “The Bob Lazar Story.” The Bob Lazar Story - UFO Evidence

“Bob Lazar: The Man Behind Element 115.” LASVEGASNOW, LASVEGASNOW, 23 May


Friedman, Stanton T. “THE BOB LAZAR FRAUD.” Stanton Friedman, Dec. 1997,          

“Robert Lazar.” Robert Lazar - RationalWiki,

Rojas, Alejandro. “Update on Area 51 Whistleblower Bob Lazar.”, 27 June 2013,
Ventura, Tim. “Bob Lazar and American Antigravity.” 1 Apr. 2006,                             
Interview with George Knapp

The StealthSkater Archives


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