Leo Tanguma and Denver International Airport by Anonymous

Leo Tanguma, the artist of the murals found in the “Great Hall terminal at [The Denver International Airport]”, is known for his thought provoking art work. Many people question
Tanguma’s motives and aesthetic, based on his controversial settings, but Tanguma defends his work by stating “‘Akey element found in my work is the struggle for human liberation and democracy,’ he says. ‘This refers to dehumanizing conditions oppressed peoples strive to overcome such as poverty and homelessness in our cities, the destruction of the environment, racism and exploitation, or any unjust conditions.’” (“The Art of Leo Tanguma” Renowned Artist to Speak march 8 at CCA)
The external conflict is that many outsiders that view Tanguma’s work only see the harsh surface of the mural, leading to questions and conspirers to influence others to see only the “bad” in the painting, and not the underlying meaning, struggle, perseverance and moral of the mural. In reality, Tanguma uses murals to “[reflect] a community’s cultural identity and [point] out the cultural beauty of a people” (Christian Social Network). Tanguma sees murals as a “focal [point] depicting social issues in mirror-like reflections of our selves” (Christian Social Network).     
While the Denver International Airport was under construction, the public had a hand in deciding the art work that was to go into the airport through community panels, created to incorporate a
democratic aspect, that were assembled part by part in result of finding the right artist (Robert Blaskiewicz). Leo Tanguma’s art work is widely known through his contributions to prisons, churches, schools and museums (Christian Social Network) (Interview Leo Tanguma). Inspirations and projects ranging from Houston Texas, Colorado and four other states have spread Tanguma’s name and artwork across the country (Christian Social Network) (Interview: Leo Tanguma). Tanguma’s influential “sermon like” murals and sculptures range from gang violence, human liberation/dignity, protest American intervention in Central America, “Mexican heritage, world history, spirituality, progressive social ideals and personal anecdotes” (Christian Social Network) (Interview: Leo Tanguma). Through Tanguma’s wide spread projects, he has influenced
the people of the Denver panels so much so as to persuade them to pick his work for the Airport. Though the murals may seem controversial, every mural has a deep and heart wrenching meaning that makes individuals step back and reevaluate social issues. All in all, Leo Tanguma is an inspirational artist that should spread his work and messages around the world, for all to see, regardless if people want to see them or not. 

                                                               Works Cited

Blaskiewiez, Robert. "The Denver International Airport Conspiracy." - CSI. CSI, 11 Apr. 2012. Web. 11 Oct. 2015. <http://www.csicop.org/specialarticles/show/the_denver_international_airport_conspiracy>.

"Denver International Airport Conspiracy: Denver, Colorado." Strange History.org. Web. 24 Sept. 2015. <http://www.strangehistory.org/cms/index.php/popular/77-denver-international-airport-conspiracy-denver-colorado-feature>.

Erbland, Kate. "5 Weird Conspiracy Theories Surrounding the Denver International Airport." Mental Floss. Mental Floss, 25 Feb. 2015. Web. 19 Sept. 2015. <http://mentalfloss.com/article/61740/5-weird-conspiracy-theories-surrounding-denver-international-airport>.

Ericson, Greg, and Steve Snyder. "An Open Letter To The New World Order Denver Airport." An Open Letter To The New World Order Denver Airport. FreePressInternationak. Web. 11 Oct. 2015. <http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_denver03.htm>.

"INTERVIEW: Leo Tanguma | Zingmagazine." INTERVIEW: Leo Tanguma | Zingmagazine. Zingmagazine, 1 June 2012. Web. 11 Oct. 2015. <http://www.zingmagazine.com/drupal/node/2039>.

"More Murals by Leo Tanguma." The DIA Conspiracy Files. The DIA Conspiracy Files, 12 May 2009. Web. 11 Oct. 2015. <http://diaconspiracyfiles.com/2009/05/12/more-murals-by-leo-tanguma/>.

"Mysterious Murals and Monuments at the Denver Airport." Extraordinary Intelligence. Extraordinary Intelligence, 16 July 2009. Web. 11 Oct. 2015. <http://extraordinaryintelligence.com/mysterious-murals-and-monuments-at-the-denver-airport/>.

Schenker, Michelle. "Conspiracy Theories Surrounding the Denver Airport." Exploring Lifes Mysteries. Cover Story Media, 19 Nov. 2013. Web. 20 Sept. 2015. <http://www.exploringlifesmysteries.com/denver-international-airport-conspiracy/>.

Tenguna, Leo. "Leo Tanguma." Christian Social Network Ministry. Web. 8 Oct. 2015. <http://www.christiansocialnetwork.net/leo-tanguma.html>.

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