The Brother Behind It All by Sasha Liles

“JonBenét Ramsey was a 6-year-old beauty queen who was found murdered in her Boulder, Colorado, home on December 26, 1996” (Worthen 1). Did the brother commit this crime and his parents covered it up to not loose both of their children? Or is it true John Mark Karr staged the crime scene and covered up the real killer’s identity? The most likely theory is the brother committed the crime.
 It all started when Patsy Ramsey was a child. Patsy was a pageant queen herself. She wanted her daughter to follow in her footsteps. JohBenét Ramsey was a beautiful six-year-old pageant princess who always caught everyone’s attention. According to Jon Bénet Ramsey Biography:
The youngest of two children, she was a true southern girl who enjoyed the spotlight. She had already garnered five pageantry titles: Little Miss Colorado, Little Miss Charlevoix, Colorado State All-Star Kids Cover Girl, America's Royale Miss, and National Tiny Miss Beauty. This kindergartener’s sparkling smile, glowing blonde hair, and countless glittery costumes made her the center of attention. (1)
Miss Benét was always very caring and loving. Some people would say she didn’t obtain one ugly bone in her body. Shed had quite a few friends in the pageant industry. “My mom didn't see me for twenty to thirty minutes. I was playing Barbie’s with JonBenet,” she said. The girls who once shared the pageant stage with JonBenet Ramsey may be all grown up, but still think about the tragic beauty queen, even 20 years after her death. “She had a bright light about her,” the current history teacher told Inside Edition. “She was just a really nice fun-loving kid” (20 Years After JonBenet Ramsey's Death, Her Pageant Friends Remember 'Fun-Loving Kid' 1). This caring and loving nature manifested through the generosity she showed to her friends. I between contest break Gosney and Ramsey would be in the back-playing Barbie’s with one another. 
            Her mother would dress her in flashy clothing. She bought some used pageant clothes for the pageant from Rhiannon in 1996 (JonBenet's Burial Dress (Ramsey Friend's Interview). It may have seemed flashy to us but in the pageant industry, it was part of the look. Her father on the other hand does not remember his little girl dressed up.  Her father remembered her to always play outside getting dirty. “John Bennet Ramsey said he and his wife were "so naive" and that he believes with all his heart that "it's not a good idea to put your children on public display (Emily lee).”
            The unsolved case of Joh Bénet Ramsey is a well-known case across America. There are many theories about this particular case on the internet and media. There are two theories: The brother Burke killed the sister and the family helped cover it up and, John Mark says he committed the crime.
The first conspiracy theory points to the brother Burke being Jon Bénet Ramsey’s killer and the family covering it up. At the time Burke was only nine years old, he claimed to be asleep in his room. “Police and evidence state he was indeed in the living room with the family” (Bradley).  The actual evidence is not the same as what Burke claimed and what his family supported.  Why would the family lie that Burke was in the room? At the time Burke was only nine years old; he was a confused little boy who did not like at all having a sister who was the center of attention. This lie was a way of getting attention.

Burke has always been aggressive towards JohBénet. According to Bradley; “believe JonBenét was killed by blunt force, a flashlight to the head (1). A former friend of the Ramsey family also told the team that Burke had seemed jealous of all the attention his little sister was receiving—he had a “chip on his shoulder”—and that he had hit JonBenét with a golf club about a year and a half before the murder (Bradley). The friend said Patsy Ramsey told her he had had a temper tantrum, although on-screen text quotes John Ramsey as saying the incident was an accident (“Bradley” 1). If he done it once he could do it again.
The pineapple evidence supports both the idea he lied and that he was overly aggressive towards his sister.
And then, there’s the smoking pineapple gun. A piece of pineapple was found in Jon Benet’s stomach during her autopsy. The night of the murder, the experts believe, Burke made himself a snack of pineapple with milk, and tea. His fingerprints were found on a bowl, and the teacup next to it. JonBenét, the experts believed, snatched a piece of the fruit (reportedly one of her favorite desserts) directly from the bowl with her fingers, leaving no prints. This, the experts believe, catalyzed the grisly events that followed. Their best hypothesis: Burke hit JonBenét on the head with the flashlight, just as he had with the golf club a year before—but this time, he accidentally killed her. John and Patsy, the experts believe, then covered for Burke. (Bradley 1)
Obviously, he must have lied because he was in the living room eating the pineapple where they found his prints on the bowl.
The evidence further points to Burke hitting JohBénet over the head. According to the autopsy report, JohBénet was hit on the head and strangled (1). From many studies everyone thought Burke had a tantrum over the snack his mother served him. With the gold club incident this was just another tantrum that resulted in Burke being abusive towards JohBénet.  
There was a two-page ransom note stating they want exactly one hundered and eighteen thousand dollars, exactly what the father was receiving for a Christmas bonus. Pelisek concluded it was Patsy’s hand writing (1).          
 “It is highly probable she wrote the ransom note,” Wong tells ABC News’ Amy Robach.Wong spent three weeks examining the handwriting on the note and comparing it to 100 samples of Patsy’s handwriting, finding more than 200 similarities between the two. You will see that just with the A’s, the ransom note writer has four different variations of the letter A, and then Patsy Ramsey uses the same variation of the four different types of As,” Wong said (Pelisek 1)”.
When the cops came to the home nobody said anything about the basement until hours later. It appeared that they led the cops on a wild goose chase. It looked like there was an intruder but from documentation it shows the damage from the window was from the inside. 
Who was it who helped frame the crime scene? This is where my second conspiracy falls into place. John Mark Karr claims he committed this crime.
Karr "confessed" to killing Ramsey ten years after the child beauty pageant star was found dead in her parents' home. But authorities quickly found reason to doubt his storyKarr claimed to have drugged Ramsey, for example, but an autopsy found no drugs in her system. He refused to explain how he'd gained entry to the family's house and provided no details to police that weren't publicly available. Most compellingly, DNA evidence taken from Ramsey's clothes did not implicate Karr, and in fact contradicted Karr's story. Ultimately, he wasn't charged (Millstein 1).
But his statement was contradicted by the evidence there were no drugs, and he stated details that were already made public.
The question of the hour is why would lie about this, for this is a very serious matter. Was he just trying to give the family closure or was he paid off by the family? Mr. Kar gave a statement to tell-all to investigation discovery as stated by the Sun (Nauman 1).
He insists her death was an accident, and that he tried to save her on the night of December 26th, 1996.Speaking out, Karr, 51, said: “Nobody wanted that little girl to die that night— nobody. Her death was an accident. I was with her when she died. But I was not the person who caused it.” He explained there was a "panic" after the little girl died and added she was not discovered in the place she lost her life. “How she was found, that’s not how she died. Where she was found in that basement is not where she died."
Karr added her lifeless body was “tampered” in a bid to cover up who the killer was. “Something happened to her [and I] had to take care of it,” Karr said. “I have always been able to fix things. Nobody came in there and did a paedo-erotic thing to that little girl, but it was made to look as though it was done that way.” He went on to claim the kidnap letter which was found was fake. He said it was a prop to make her death look like a “botched kidnapping (Nauman 1).  
Contrary to Karr’s statement there was documented proof of sexual assault and she had bodily fluid that wasn’t identified as Karr’s. These contradictions eliminate him as the possible killer. However, they do not eliminate him as a suspect in the cover up, but the only indication of him being there is his statement.
After reviewing the theories and evidence I’ve came to a conclusion that both of my conspiracy’s tie together. The family and John Mark Karr are protecting one person. That person is Burke. Sometimes parents do crazy things to protect their children. It took over twenty years for burke to do an interview with anyone or even speak about the case. His family wouldn’t allow him to speak to anyone.  Burke had an interview with Dr. Phil:
He is smiling. People are going to see this throughout the entire interview, [a] really unusual affect, either smiling or laughing,” Dr. Phil explained Monday morning. “This is a very socially awkward young man — but understand, from the time this happened, his parents, depending on your interpretation, either protected him or hid him. “He has not had the social contact that most kids have growing up.” He revealed Burke “knew his anonymity was gone” and he “wanted to control the narrative.” (Nauman 1)
From Dr. Phil assessment we can conclude that Burke is the one behind the murder, and the family and John Karr are protecting him.
            We can conclude that Burke committed this crime. A survey at College of the Mainland, indicated that 9 of 15 people questioned said yes. The brother Burke committed the crime and the family helped cover it up.

Work cited

Bradley, Laura. “The Case of: JonBenét Ramsey Thinks It Found Her Killer.” Vanity Fair , Cbs, 20 Sept. 2016,
JonBenet Ramsey's Pageant Friend Had Many Dreams About Her Being Grown Up.” Youtube, Inside Edition, 12 Sept. 2016,

Lee, Emily. “What Pageants Was JonBenet Ramsey In? She Made A Name For Herself.” Romper, Romper, 20 Mar. 2018,
Millstein, Seth. “John Mark Karr Made This Bizarre False Confession.” Bustle, Bustle, 19 Apr. 2018,
Nauman, Zoe. “Jailed Paedo Claims He Knows Who Killed JonBenét Ramsey and He Set up FAKE 'Murder Scene' to Fool Cops.” The Sun, The Sun, 13 Sept. 2016,
Norsworthy, Cameron. “Did The JonBenet Ransom Note Handwriting Match Patsy Ramsey's? It Was Never Proven.” Romper, Romper, 19 Apr. 2018,

Worthen, Meredith. “JonBenét Ramsey.”, A&E Networks Television, 22 May 2017,
20 Years After JonBenet Ramsey's Death, Her Pageant Friends Remember 'Fun-Loving Kid'.” Inside Edition, Inside Edition, 12 Sept. 2016,


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