Chemotherapy Conspiracy Theory by Beau Trigo

           Chemotherapy is the most trusted treatment for cancer in America, for an eight-week treatment cycle it cost anywhere from $10,000-30,000.00 with a success rate of only 2.1% ("The Cancer Cure that Works"). Dr. Royal Raymond Rife was a scientist who created what was known as A universal microscope, he reportedly also developed an effective cure for cancer. All his research began to disappear and all doctors that he worked with began denying to have ever met him. In results chemo is the most used cancer treatment in the country.

Royal Raymond Rife was a world-renowned scientist who was motivated to create a working cure for cancer. He began his studies in medicine at John Hopkins University, he later attended Heidelberg University in Germany (“A brief history of dr. royal Raymond rife”). While attending Heidelberg he developed all of the photomicrographs for the atlas of parasites for the university(1). The university was so grateful for his developments that in 1914 they awarded him an honorary doctor of parasitology degree (1). He began working for the firm of Carl Zeiss in New York and later Germany, where he worked very closely with Carl Zeiss, Hans Luckel and other scientists in the development of fine microscopes (1). He spent five years working with that group while still attending Heidelberg University.

Rife established his first research laboratory in San Diego, California in 1912, the same year he wed Mamie Quill (“A brief history of dr. royal Raymond rife”). Rife worked with United States Navy before and during World War One and was commissioned as a Lt. commander USNR (1). It is reported that rife and his wife Mamie traveled many times to Europe before the war in regards to his connections with the Zeiss firm (1). Rife’s career began with research pathology, as a medical researcher Rife found that successful pathology relies on vision. In 1920 he built a microscope powerful enough to see a virus (1).

Just before the great depression rife worked for the united states government and the Carl Zeiss optic firm (“A brief history of dr. royal Raymond rife”). It is reported that he also received a research fellowship in biochemistry from the Andean Anthropological Expedition Institute for private research he had done (1). Some of his inventions are still used today in aviation, ballistics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, optics and electronics (1). Sometime after the great depression Rife had lost all of his money and had to take a job as a chauffeur for Henry Timkin. Henry later found out about Rife’s talents and had him build and engine for his speed boat which ended up breaking the world record with an average speed of eighty-seven miles per hour. Timkin was a roller bearing manufacturer and his bearings would often break in the finished product (1). Rife built an x-ray machine for Timkin that checked all bearings coming out of the plant and send back all the ones with broken or nonfunctional bearings (1). Timkin’s wife became ill and her doctors could not find what was causing her illness. Rife believed that her illness was due to something she was eating, he searched her kitchen with his microscope and found the bacteria that was causing her illness in her spice cabinet. After rife found and got rid of the bacteria her illness disappeared. Timkin’s sister and business partners wife, Amelia C. Bridges was also ill and Dr. Rife worked with her and discovered the source of her illness, she left Dr. Rife 50,000 dollars to continue his work when she died (1). Timkin and his partner were so astounded by Dr. Rife’s work they funded and financed a completely equipped laboratory where he could continue his work (1).

Rife’s motivation led him to inventing a mocriscope that was so powerful it allowed him to be able to see living viruses, with the ability to see living viruses and bacteria he was able to find that every virus has its own resonance frequency (“A brief history of dr. royal Raymond rife”). With this information he was able to build a machine that would match the frequency of the virus, which in turn would destroy the virus. He tested his theory about resonance frequencies on small animals such as rats. He would subject them to the virus and use is machine to kill the virus without harming the animal. He tested this over 400 times to be sure it worked and would not harm the host of the virus (1). These are just some of the things that make Dr. Rife a world renowned and motivated scientist.

            There are two conspiracy theories concerning Dr. Rife’s cure for cancer. The first theory is that he created a machine that killed cancer viruses. The second theory is that there is no way of knowing if the “cure” he found would cure all cancers. Let’s take a look at each of these theories and you can judge for yourself.

            The first theory is that Dr. Rife created a working cure for cancer. Dr. Rife invented the universal microscope which allowed him to view living viruses and bacteria. With his new microscope he was able to find that all viruses and bacteria resonate at their own frequency. This information allowed him to create a machine called the “frequency instrument” that would match the frequency of the cancer viruses and kill them. Dr. Rife and his associates cured sixteen cases of cancer in two small clinics that they had opened in California (Deki and Jon C. Fox). Each of his patients were cured of their cancer in four-six weeks with no adverse side affects (1). The AMA (American medical association) was opposed to the use of his machine. Physicians who ignored the AMA’s stance and continued using the frequency instrument had their licenses to practice medicine revoked (1). Individuals that were known to use Rife’s universal microscope had their equipment confiscated or destroyed (1). Chemotherapy is the leading treatment for cancer in the world with prices as high as 30,000 dollars. If Dr. Rife’s machine was not hidden and it was able to cure cancer chemotherapy would not be used and doctors and chemotherapy practitioners would be out of jobs and lose billions of dollars. If you eliminate a large source of income like that the AMA would lose billions of dollars and would have a very hard time finding a way to compensate for that much loss. Although there is no research or data of his device actually working, hundreds of thousands of people have died from or been diagnosed with cancer since his machine was condemned by the AMA, so if this device truly didn’t work why was it hidden from the world?

            The second theory is that there is no way of knowing if the “cure” he found would cure all cancers. This theory states that there are multiple cancer viruses and that they all have their own different frequency and there would be no way of knowing if the frequency machine could kill all of them. It also states that radioactive treatment methods would almost neutralize the frequencies and the frequency machine wouldn’t work. It is said that there is not enough evidence to support the rife machine working and that the only evidence there is, is not enough to support the claims that people were cured of cancer. There is very little evidence to support the theory that there the rife machine did not work. The evidence that shows it did work way over passes that of it not working.

            In conclusion there is much more evidence that shows that the rife machine did work and that Dr. Rife was able to create a working cure for cancer. The theory that the machine did not work just does not have enough evidence to prove that it did not work. So without proof that it did not work there is only the words of the AMA that we are supposed to believe, but the AMA is who makes money off of chemotherapy treatment so it only makes sense that they would hide something that would force them to lose billions of dollars. So, I ask you, if there was any chance of this device working wouldn’t you want to know why it was hidden and buried from the world?

         Chemotherapy is the most trusted treatment for cancer in America, for an eight-week treatment cycle it cost anywhere from 10,000-30,000$ with a success rate of only 2.1%. Dr. Royal Raymond Rife was a scientist who created what was known as A universal microscope, he reportedly also developed an effective cure for cancer. All his research began to disappear and all doctors that he worked with began denying to have ever met him. In results chemo is the most used cancer treatment in the country. There are two conspiracy theories concerning Dr. Rife’s cure for cancer. The first theory is that he created a machine that killed cancer viruses. The second theory is that there is no way of knowing if the “cure” he found would cure all cancers. The only theory I believe to be true is that Rife did create a cure for cancer and the AMA buried it so they could make more money.

Works Cited

“A Brief History of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife.” A Brief History of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, 13 Dec. 2017,, Doreen, and Ken Adachi.

“The Cancer Cure That Works.” The Cancer Cure That Worked (The Story of Royal Raymond Rife) by Barry Lynes & John Crane (1997), 1997,


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